Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CEO Memo, Trek Bicycles

I will addressing my CEO memo to Trek Bicycles, and encourage them to bring more technology to their consumer-level bicycles.
I will look at
1. Theft prevention technology (something Lance Armstrong's bike could have used recently)
2. A model similar to the iPod-Nike device, in which a device could be put on a Trek Bike to be uploaded to a computer later (or immediately).
There will probably be more aspects to this.

A lot of data gets generated from a bike (cadence, gear, speed, etc..) and I'm curious to examine the feasibility of taking the task of gathering that data from a peripheral cycle computer and putting that technology directly onto the bike itself.

Most importantly, I'd like to translate this innovation into a competitive advantage for Trek.

Thoughts, comments?


  1. It would be interesting to see not only the introduction of a Nike iPod model, btu how they deal with the issues of being open vs. being closed. Nike and iPod cannot stay closed forever, maybe becoming a partner with them to expand their platform instead of creating a new one while encouraging openness would be a different way to attack the problem.

  2. Hey Brendan,

    Have you thought of taking a safety approach to this? it would probably be best in the accessories - helmet section. i saw some thing on TV about impact sensing stickers. this could potentially be useful in the event of a crash EMT's could take some proactive measures in treating the patient.
