Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Memo to the CEO-- Sovereignbank

I choose Sovereignbank for a couple of reasons:
1. my interest in financial intermediation industry (esp. in banking). Given the current global financial meltdown, it is a time of restructuring and reshaping for the industry. How banking can better use the technology available to better serve its stakeholders is an interesting path to investigate.
2. Sovereignbank came as a natural choice as I’ve done my summer internship with them. Also, in the end of February 2009, they were acquired by Banco Santander, one of the few global banks who reported stable profits in 2008. Again, it’s a moment of opportunity, of change for the bank.
Some initial thoughts to choose from for the Memo are: how data mining capabilities are used for price versioning towards business clients (the interest& fees are mainly influenced by credit history and business performance, but also by others factors), how the anticipated move towards more traditional business model banking can be leveraged by technology capabilities, “democratization of finance” (Stiller).

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